God in the Other : on relationship with plant being


“The way we see the world shapes
the way we treat it. If a mountain
is a deity, not a pile of ore;
if a river is one of the veins of the
land, not potential irrigation water;
if a forest is a sacred grove, not timber;
if other species are our
biological kin, not resources;
or if the planet is our mother,
not an opportunity – then we will
treat each one with greater respect. 
That is the challenge, to look at the
world from a different perspective.” 

David Suzuki

It also works in reverse, the way we treat the world shapes the way we see it, decides about character of our gods or their absence. That is why reductionist and extractivist mind, always dreaming of more narrow, more precise manipulation, more control, it takes more and more space in the universe so that all mystery is subdued to its will . Eventually the mind ( and human, identifying with it ) become  so alone, because even when in its loneliness is confronted by the Other from outside of human sphere, he immediately seeks to take it apart, convert to molecules and alkaloids to be dead tools rather than independent friend who could guide him out of self built cage , when this friends’ autonomy, agency, even grace it bestows are respected. 

We live in an empty world as a choice, unconscious choice perhaps or rather lack of conscious intention. Imagining aliens as distorted forms of ourselves because we took utmost care to convert all the others we met into enslaved matter.

A solution is bowing to the mystery. Look at all relationships the way you should look at relation with your spouse : you don’t want to know all and have it under control, you want to be surprised, you want to be led and not just lead, you want to co-depend, to give not necessarily when demanded of or expected.  What is perhaps more important, the same applies to relationship with your self. That is what makes relationship different from a business transaction, it is unconditional, not a service to demand. The removal of excess control, expectation, these forms of greed and brothers of complaint, is a remedy against disappointment, acceptance of less that could / might have been. 

So don’t come to ayahuasca for service of purification of your depression, rather come curious what it can tell you about the world and you in it.  And be grateful for her rough edges and that violent puke when it comes ( and that mad scientists so desperately want to remove ) because by doing so you accept the rough edges of yourself and the imperfect and thus so perfect place in life. As a bonus, you will find god or even multiple gods, that chose to give you rain when you planned the beach, and sharted pants when you planned to be so seriously methodic about your healings.

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