high on your OWN(!) supply


Previous post about maestro Francisco not shying from generous doses of ayahuasca triggered some people to make contrary claims, that a real master does not need much, or in ideal situation, does not need medicine at all to “be connected”. While the post was intended to be rather a light anecdote, it can be also a pretext of more serious discussion.

This seems to be an echo of old dualistic belief, that was really part of the war of drugs philosophical or spiritual background, that matter and spirit are separate, and to claim source of spirit in the matter, in the plant brew for example, is a heresy or near blasphemy. It is not just big official churches, which have always distrusted this world ( and its juices, blood, sperm or plant, not metaphorical sacrament ), but also contemporary spiritual devotees that either openly, or subconsciously carry this conviction, that connection established with aid of plant allies is somehow less true, less pure, limiting. Churches of different kinds have always acknowledged element of grace in the abstract, invisible divinity, at the same time putting stress on labour and effort of the devotee, who fulfilling correct duties and avoiding sin, of course mediated and watched over by the church, has a chance of earning spiritual progress and benefits coming with it, whether in this, or next life. This lingers on in serious, work oriented attitudes of new and old age practitioners of various disciplines, yoga devotees proudly sweating and breathworkers breathing their way towards enlightenment, mastery, or whatever they strive to achieve. Even people straddling both worlds seem to carry some degree of guilt, as in “maybe I drink too much, too often”, doubts they will never apply to their yoga, meditation or breathwork practice.

While there is nothing wrong that should be said about these disciplines themselves, the attitude of disdain for “crutches” or belief in purity of doing things “on your own” is really a kind of arrogance. It is not surprising that so many gurus more or less openly admitting to such views, reveal egocentric traits, when long held facade is broken, through sexual scandal or fit of rage, when rare individual dares to confront them. Of course, none of us is free from such tendencies, but my suspicion is when you believe you are achieving all better on your own, trap can be more dangerous.

What does that mean, on my own? It is partially “you can do all you dream”, “infinite potential”, “I don’t need external help” mentality, and partially legacy of desert religions and worldviews, originating from lands where man was alone in unforgiving terrain, and he could only pray to a distant wind or sky god together with his tribe, obeying its laws, or face the struggles of life with self imposed discipline of body and breath control. Of course we do not live in such environment anymore, and God has been largely absent from the skies, instead placed in each self striving for perfection. But in modern context that rarely means self as a drop humbly dissolving in the ocean, rather ever greater ME, marveling at its own capacities and subconsciously wishing to be worshipped for its capacities, discoveries, mastery of chosen art. On the surface, the message is about liberating the devotees in their own search, but so often “high on my own supply”, as one of these teachers scorning plant medicine likes to obsessively repeat, means “in love with my own farts”. Well, guess what, the air you breathe is not your “own” any more than plants in your garden. I do not want to be independent, I think that desire is at root of our problems. I want to be interconnected, I want to depend. On my tribe, my friends as my teachers, my land, clear water, the food that nourishes me ( don’t even start me on breatharianism ) and on the plant medicines that led me where I am, and may they continue to do so till the end of my life. In partnership, not “on my own”.
And on the question of dosage, well, to each their own, of course. What speaks to me is the image of pagan feast, horns overflowing with drink, abundance of life, juices flowing, in and out, sweat, puke, tears of joy. We take from the earth, and give back to the earth, and as long as this balance is kept, may your cup stay full.

[ photo of pagamento, ritual of guests planting after finish of their dieta, text by Tata Mundo ]

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