

Way towards being present is through gift. To give away surplus, to give away distraction. To give attention. In order to see life and all it offers, continually, as a gift, and so to live in joy, can be achieved only through doing the same one expects of the world and the others – by showering them in gifts, by giving space, giving first without expectation. Then, presence reveals itself without effort.

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high on your OWN(!) supply

  Previous post about maestro Francisco not shying from generous doses of ayahuasca triggered some people to make contrary claims, that a real master does

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what is depression

What is depression then, if not disease, some unexplained malfunction of the organism ( brain ) that we can shoot at with series of changing

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wu wei

  “Renounce knowledge and your problems will end” ( Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching ) No matter how blasphemous it may seem to some, the

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water to clean

  Reliance on artificial crutches in realm of health, such as antibiotics, has in the long term in the same consequences as any other obsessive

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