water to clean


Reliance on artificial crutches in realm of health, such as antibiotics, has in the long term in the same consequences as any other obsessive behavior originating from addiction to control, for example, as we can see recently, obsession with hygiene. The more we sterilize ourselves from the “external” world, the more vulnerable we will become when the “threat” eventually penetrates illusionary frontier. The more we use antibiotics, the more we become dependent on them and we need to use them more, with less effect, just like in case of any other addictive drug, and in the meantime we damage ourselves, not surprising, considering what anti-bios means.

The same applies to products of cosmetic industry, personal care, as they call them. We have become as civilization so brainwashed into believing we need them, that we are compelled to label “dirty hippies” those who question this dependence. These tools help us to be as separated from our own bodies as we are from the world. We fear the smell as we fear decay and death. We use them more and more, and of course, they bring temporary “cleanliness”, and long term dependence, allergies, vulnerability, detachment. Yes, you smell bad, when you don’t suppress it with chemical odors, but that is because of another separation, of what you put into your body, poisonous products of processed food industry. Yes, when you think scent of a woman is the one they designed in Paris, you may find natural body odors disgusting.

That is why plant dieta is also a good opportunity to connect with your body, and part of this happens by understanding, what serves for washing your body is called water.

You don’t need much more, not even natural soap. When you start to radically change what you put into your body, you also change what comes out of it. Your shit changes. Your sweat changes. This is a process, takes time. You may regress afterwards to the old ways, but you have learned something. After you stop treating yourself with shampoo, you need it less and less, when previously, without washing it daily, hair was getting greasy.

The same, you’ ll eventually discover, may apply to many other products of the drugstore. In these times when some have their knuckles white from compulsive scrubbing with soaps and alcohol this may seem like a revolutionary, heretic idea, but when you come to the dieta, you stop listening to them, and start listening to the plants, wind and water. And listening to your body in transformation.

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