“Renounce knowledge and your problems will end”
( Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching )
No matter how blasphemous it may seem to some, the best theoretical system to prepare, work with and integrate ayahuasca, both from perspective of participant and the guide, is no system. It is being present with the dance, and as uncluttered as possible from models, preconceptions, therapeutic modalities and theories. They are not just harmless, they are not aides to the experience, on the contrary, a hindrance that is likely to obscure the view, complicate solution and provide place to escape from burning light of actual reality. In this sense humanistic science is not unlike religion when we compare it to spirituality – being a form of defence mechanism against the experience.
The trick is not what we have to do, but how to step out of the way, how to let the flow happen. Effortless, it is how this can be, I tell our often surprised guests, as it stands at odds with judeochristian ethics of work, that penetrated even to new ayahuasca religiosity and new age movement alike.
The concept I have found best fits that approach, that form of dance, is wu wei. No matter how closely some will explain it, it is still best understood by practice.
This had to be said, as this will be what you will encounter here. Raw experience, being witness and present. It is not to say that dance does not take any form, and dancer any mask or costume, but they remain that, and if you can’t laugh at them, you are still doing the work, until you discover, there is no work to be done.