The problem with modern, or as some call it, Western morality is that it is usually externalized. Even if for most of us the bearded distant God in the sky is dead, we still act as children of the...
Read MoreThe problem with modern, or as some call it, Western morality is that it is usually externalized. Even if for most of us the bearded distant God in the sky is dead, we still act as children of the...
Read More“The way we see the world shapes the way we treat it. If a mountain is a deity, not a pile of ore; if a river is one of the veins of the land, not potential irrigation water; if...
Read MorePrevious post about maestro Francisco not shying from generous doses of ayahuasca triggered some people to make contrary claims, that a real master does not need much, or in ideal situation, does not need medicine at all to “be...
Read MoreWhen some of the western therapists and mental health specialists, not so long ago completely ignorant of potential of psychedelics, or worse, openly opposed to them, now try not only jump on the bandwagon but take steering wheel, they tend...
Read MoreWhat is depression then, if not disease, some unexplained malfunction of the organism ( brain ) that we can shoot at with series of changing chemical weapons in hope that it will alleviate, or solve the issue being confused with...
Read MoreWhen we’ve been for a while on exploration on self we probably heard or even sensed ourselves that the solution is to be in the moment. But how do it, if hours and years of navel and breath gazing...
Read MoreReliance on artificial crutches in realm of health, such as antibiotics, has in the long term in the same consequences as any other obsessive behavior originating from addiction to control, for example, as we can see recently, obsession with...
Read MoreI am assuming that image of shackled madman shocks you exactly as blooded animal carcass being chopped in the street, much more common image in developing world, and yes, they have something in common – refusal – or inability...
Read MoreDieta is not just about what you eat. Because not just what you eat makes you who you are. It is about stepping out of ordinary world that is to such an overwhelming extent created and designed by other...
Read MoreNature heals. Better connection with nature. We can hear that all around, it has been adopted from fringe hippie idea into popular, mainstream culture, including language of advertising, trying, as always, to capitalize on new trends. What is that...
Read MoreNa stronie ICEERS ( ) opublikowana została polska wersja przewodnika “Ku lepszym praktykom ayahuaskowym” w moim tłumaczeniu, dość obszerne wprowadzenie do bezpiecznej i efektywnej pracy z tą medycyną. ( ) … International versions of safe ayahuasca practices...
Read MoreIntegration. We hear it everywhere, it has become a cliche in psychedelic therapy, everyone agrees, yeah, crucial, so important, but what do they actually mean? There may be many motivations, including hidden fear in therapists who after another cliche...
Read MoreHonoring the Wisdom of Indigenous Peoples with Richard Katz Conversation that may be especially interesting to psychologists entering so called psychedelic renessaince, and how it fails to honour non western, non individualistic approaches, which were actually essence of any existing...
Read MoreGrowth and death are intertwined in the jungle, and that is a teaching you will not hear from coaches promising to take you ever upwards. Failure to understand it results in anxiety or even panic attacks as the one...
Read MoreThere are certain parts of Jung’s work that seem prophetic, considering how different his world had been to what we are experiencing now. I am referring here to his writing about destructive role of excessive attachment to what he...
Read MoreSeriousness and piety. Conviction that work with entheogens, previously called psychedelics, to be meaningful, must be a toil full of struggle and suffering seems to be shared by some of “science based” new psychedelic therapy and quasi religious New...
Read MoreJourney of 40 days dieta is not an easy one. Full of turbulence, full of doubt, weariness, longing, sweat and tears. We do not advertise it in any other way but by honest truth, it would not be fair...
Read MoreOur script of life is already written, and we only see it in hindsight, how funny were our human struggles in trying to find that meaning, control that fate, that was formed by each encounter, sometimes absurd and random,...
Read MoreThere is a certain kind of sad beauty in this paradox, that the substance such as alcohol, considered “part of cultural heritage” and a social binder really rips families apart, and the “dangerous drug” as psychoactive plant medicine...
Read MoreWhen we first moved in the jungle with a young baby, the fear, or rather the paranoia was there. How do we stop her from eating from the ground, crawling in chicken shit, being bitten by ants, parasites, snakes,...
Read MoreAbout dieting, one of first experiences, adventure with trickster Joel : “I convert time into money, I convert time to meaning, I face eternal, obsessive question “is it worth it”, what is “worth”, will that be useful, whether...
Read MoreLiving in constant fear of the Other is directly connected with elimination of Other as equal partner or even teacher and perceiving it as either slave, resource or enemy. This is not a coincidence at all that all...
Read MoreWhen we say, “this is how I am”, this is “me”, we are creating self limiting cage of what we are not. One could say we basically do that when we say anything, because language is a way of...
Read MoreSo you are not afraid of Muslims or other illegal immigrants? Now it is the “objective and universal” threat of virus? Fundamental teaching of psychedelic work is that fear is not related, not caused by the object of fear. The...
Read MoreThe further you want to go, the stronger should be the rope anchoring you in your foundations. These foundations are daily life, being in the world, which is testimony for the the thing you claim to be medicine. If you...
Read More“Ayahuasca is a process for me of what Ken Wilber would describe as his integral process of psychology and meditation. There are three components : 1) cleaning up ( getting rid of traumas etc ) 2) growing up ( responsibility...
Read More“As a 62-years old man, with all the life stress baggage, with health problems accumulating with age, I decided to immerse myself in forest blanket of Amazonian ecosystem. I dreamed of that place ever since reading travel books of my...
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